Chapter 231 - Tier 2  

Rudra reached Tolaknagar and met the local governing authorities , aka the mayor of Tolaknagar city , the guild leader of Galaxy Pegasus guild Jenga .

Jenga was very supportive of the fact that Rudra got rid of the bandit camp for him , it was troubling his management of the village anyway.

He promised to try the bandits in the local court with accordance to the kingdoms laws and give a lenient verdict. He also agreed to let the women , elders and children migrate to his village.

Rudra nodded , his work was done here . He mounted his direwolf and rode back towards Purplehaze city.

Along the way , all that he could think off was that did he make a mistake somewhere in the quest? What could become his undoing in the entire quest? Will he be able to get a SSS rating? .

It was then that the scene of the little kid who blew his cover came to his mind. The kid saw him squatting behind the bushes and thought he was taking a dump!

" Stupid kids , if I loose out on a triple S rating because of a snotty nosed milk teethed brat , I will personally go back and annihilate his entire tribe .. Except my Cute little Maxie , all kids are snotty nosed irritable brats , I hate kids! ". Rudra muttered under his breath frustrated.

He was feeling very uneasy in his heart , the legendary class meant a lot to him , to get it someday when he reached tier 4 , he needed a SSS rating in all the previous promotion tests.

That goal could not be compromised , a legendary class was miles above a normal class and as in Omega everything was earnt and nothing was given , each holder of the legendary class was like the peak of supreme talents .

After a few hours , Rudra found himself infront of the Knight's training hall again in Purplehaze city , taking a deep breath , he walked into the room , and asked the for the attendant to report the completion of his quest.

The attendant came out and said " Adventurer Shakuni you have successfully completed the assigned promotion quest , your evaluation is ..... ".


( Real world , somewhere in Pakistan)

Three Chinese government officials sat in a room with Mithun Ambani and a single Pakistani government offficial , the prime minister was not even present .... As his presence was not required.

This setting showed volumes about the dynamic of power in the country . In Pakistan , Mithun Ambani was the ruler , he was the dictator and he was the law .

Single handedly driving the GDP by more than 70% , he had bought the government top to bottom , Pakistan was his country and his words were law in Pakistan.

One Chinese official said stuff In Chinese , and the other started to translate it to English , the English version of what he was saying was " The VR Olympics is important to the republic of China , we wish to poach the best talents from your country , rest assured upon victory , we will take care of you guys as well".

Mithun was shocked , the Chinese had made an audacious demand , directly wanting to poach talents from Pakistan ... Such a scenario was not possible.

Mithun said hurriedly " No , you cannot have our talents , we are here for cooperation not for facilitating your growth and rely on your mercy for support ".

The translator translated his words back to Chinese and informed the government official.

The Chinese official frowned as he gave a furious reply ....

The reply was that " You guys do not know how to train talent , Pakistan has never won a single medal in any sport in the real Olympics , the country is soft in training it's talent , let china train them , we Chinese train with only gold in mind , and we forge talents into those gold winning machines ".

It was true , from the elementary school level , talents were trained by the government to someday win that Olympic gold in China , it was their secret to success , train , train,Train , and train more till you win.

Mithun still rejected the idea , while China was his ally , he could not trust them completely. He instead suggested " We can ally on equal terms, china , Pakistan , Afghanistan and Sri Lanka , just like the European union , even if one of us manages to get a spot in top 5 , then all of us can use the veto rights ..... ".

Silence covered the room for a while , before the Chinese official bursted laughing.

He spoke in English itself for the first time as he said " Alliance is between equals , you are our dogs, know your place Ambani ".

Ambani seethed with anger , he was a prideful man and the words of the Chinese official was a insult to his pride.

But what the Chinese official said was not wrong , Pakistan was a backward country , from the satellites they made to the missile technologies and military equipment they use , all are given by china , from managing their database and stock exchange to having a tight hold over their ports and trade routes , the Chinese were virtually the masters of Pakistan , and he had long since known it.

However to hear it soo blatantly was still hurtful to his pride. Ambani swore that he would pour all the necessary resources into the members of his super guild that were from Pakistan.

He did have some promising talents , and he would definitely nurture them to his fullest potential.

He swore to get comparable results to China in the coming VR Olympics , and stuff that smugness down the Chinese officials throat.

There were 45 singles events and 5 group events , to enter top five the safe number would be 10 gold medals , as even if some other country wins 11 12 or even 13 gold medals , with 10 medals one was sure to end up in top 5

While the minimum medals needed was 7 gold medals and lots of silver medals , one athlete could compete in a maximum of two individual sports and one team sport , hence technically a country could just rely on 10 outstanding talents to get them past the 10 gold mark and get them a place in top five.

Hence even smaller unknown countries may have a chance to become top five. From that stemmed the confidence of Mithun Ambani , as even though Pakistan was small , he was confident in finding atleast 10 outstanding talents , that could get him one medal each.

/// Chapter 2 , I am starting to get into the rhythm ! Enjoy ///