
“What do you mean they escaped?!” the City Lord shouts at him, his face incandescent with rage.

“I mean they escaped.” Liu Jin shrugs. “I fail to see how I could possibly make the sentence any clearer.”

A vase strikes the wall and shatters into tiny pieces. It is followed by a chair and a table. Neither one breaks as spectacularly.

“You had thirty men with you! Thirty!” The City Lord shouts. His Qi flares violently around him, scaring away the servants.

“It was actually a little more than thirty, City Lord,” Liu Jin corrects, untouched by the City Lord’s rage. He is seated in one of the City Lord’s comfortable couches, an alcoholic mixture of some sort in his hand. “You should really sit down.”

“I will not sit down! You lost the men you had with you and still couldn’t capture the Brotherhood! How could you let that happen? How?!”

“I am surprised you care so much about the men,” Liu Jin says, stopping to take a small sip from his drink. It is overly sweet, but Liu Jin likes it. “Only ten of those were yours, as I recall.”

“I don’t care about the men!” The City Lord shouts, throwing another vase at the walls. His face has gone from red to purple. Liu Jin is reminded of an overly ripe plum. “You told me you could capture the Brotherhood! How did you let them get away? They’re nothing more than a pack of ill-bred idiots! When the general sent you here, I expected you to be competent at your job!!!”

Liu Jin grabs the bottle next to him and pours himself another drink. Despite the room’s diminishing number of vases, chairs, and tables, everything within six feet of Liu Jin remains unbroken.

“If I recall correctly, those ill-bred idiots have been a thorn in your side for quite some time, and it was your complacency that let them grow as they have, City Lord,” Liu Jin reminds him, making the City Lord flinch at the rebuke. “I am flattered you have so much confidence in me, but I must act within the boundaries the general has set for me. We do not wish to make him angry, do we?”

It is remarkable how quickly color fades from the City Lord’s face. He does not know of the restrictions Murong Bang placed on Liu Jin, but just the insinuation that he might be going against Murong Bang’s wishes is enough to cow him.

“N-no, we wouldn’t want that,” City Lord Lei says, nervously biting his lower lip. “But the men-”

“We have more men,” Liu Jin says confidently. “You know that, and I know that. Defeating the entire Brotherhood in one afternoon, pleasing as the notion might sound, was never feasible. Even if I had killed the ones who attacked us, there would still be scores of them out there. I believe the City Lord knows this as well… which is why I find the City Lord’s anger so puzzling.”

City Lord Lei studiously avoids his eyes. Liu Jin takes a long sip of his drink, not stopping until the glass is empty.

“Could it be,” Liu Jin begins, setting his glass down, “that City Lord Lei used the opportunity to try to send a real caravan in secret while I escorted the fake one? Perhaps hoping that the Brotherhood would attack one and not the other? And could it be that the Brotherhood didn’t only attack the fake one but the real one as well?”

There is no need for the City Lord to answer. The way his face convulses in multiple, fascinating ways says more than words ever could.

“You are not angry because you lost men,” Liu Jin says. “You are angry because you lost merchandise.”

“How could you possibly know…?” The City Lord stops and takes a deep breath. His hands clench and unclench multiple times. Liu Jin can see his veins threatening to burst. “Spies. Is that it? Is that how you know?”

“City Lord, I have spent exactly one night in your city before today,” Liu Jin points out. “I am glad you think so highly of me, but there is no way I could put spies in your house in so little time.

And if the City Lord tries to learn otherwise, he’ll find himself disappointed. Liu Jin could tell Quan to report that he is secretly a Spirit Beast in human form, and the man would probably do it. The thought is amusing enough that Liu Jin seriously considers going through with it.

But no, this is no time for games, even if it feels like everyone is playing one.

“I merely guessed, City Lord. Judging by your reaction, it is safe to say my guess was accurate,” Liu Jin says. “You went behind my back, City Lord. That is a problem. I cannot help you with your problems if you do not include me in your plans.”

“Should I apologize for not being particularly keen to share my city’s affairs with someone who was a servant of General Dan mere weeks ago?!” The City Lord shouts at him.

Liu Jin thinks it over, hums, and nods.

“Fair enough. I believe things would go more smoothly if we cooperated, but that does not seem to be an option. Perhaps, it is better if we simply don’t get in each other’s way then.”

“That might be true, but perhaps… Perhaps, there is a way we can build trust between us,” City Lord Lei says, measuring his words carefully. A glimmer of an idea takes shape in his eyes. “If Commander Qing were to make a suitable offer-”

“I am not offering Lei Kong to you,” Liu Jin says before the City Lord is done speaking.

City Lord Lei clicks his tongue. “Is he really worth that much to you?”

“Lei Kong is a cultivator in the Earth Realm who has sworn unquestionable loyalty to me,” Liu Jin explains. “I am afraid the trust of the City Lord is not an equivalent prize.”

“Ah, but it would not be just my trust and gratitude,” the City Lord says, smiling for the first time in the meeting. “It would be the trust and gratitude of the Lei Clan. Like I said during our last meeting, my uncle would be pleased to see Little Kong again.”

Left unsaid is that rejecting his offer and standing by Lei Kong would earn Liu Jin the enmity of the Lei Clan.

Liu Jin pretends to think it over.

“You make a fair point,” Liu Jin says. “But I do not believe it is prudent to answer just yet. I still have a duty assigned to me by General Murong. After that is done… I would be open to that sort of negotiation.”

City Lord Lei’s eyes shine. “Ah, I understand. I understand perfectly. We will talk more at that time then. Yes, I believe that will be for the best. However, that still leaves the matter of the Brotherhood. What do you plan to do about them, commander?”

“What else?” Liu Jin asks. “Travel visiting towns until someone talks.”

The door opens before the City Lord can reply.

“Am I interrupting, or are you done already?” Lu Mei asks as she enters the room with two servants walking behind her.

“I believe we are done,” Liu Jin says, rising from his seat. He smiles when he sees the many boxes the servants are carrying. “I see you have found something to amuse yourself with.”

Lu Mei shrugs and flips her hair. “Some of the dresses sold here were adequate.”

The City Lord preens at that. “Your lady has good taste, commander. My city has some of the finest clothing shops in the Storm Dragon Empire.”

Unfortunately, that is not the achievement the City Lord thinks it is.

“They must be if they met Mei’s approval,” Liu Jin says instead. He tilts his head lightly. “And yet, I cannot comment on how wise it was to buy so much when we’re going to be leaving this city so soon. Ugly little towns are no places for beautiful dresses.”

“I am glad you agree,” Lu Mei says. “That’s exactly why I’m going to stay here.”

Liu Jin blinks.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I will be staying here,” Lu Mei repeats. “It is like you said. Ugly little towns are no place for beautiful dresses. They are also no place for beautiful flowers such as myself. I am afraid I have hit my limit of living on the road surrounded by a bunch of smelly men.”

Liu Jin and Lu Mei stare into each other’s eyes. It is only for a few seconds, yet a whole conversation passes by without a single word being uttered.

“...Very well,” Liu Jin says at last, sighing as he looks away. “City Lord, it seems I will abuse your hospitality a little more.”

“Oh, there is no need to worry, Commander Qing. I was the one who wished you to stay in this city longer, remember?” the City Lord says. “It is as you said. We have a lot of business to discuss after the Brotherhood is dealt with. You might even consider this an opportunity to broaden your horizons. I hear even towns have lovely sights here and there.”

“Perhaps I will. Perhaps I will.”

The City Lord laughs. “Oh, commander. I really hope you make the right choice after this little problem is over.”


“Do you believe he was fooled, my lord?” Lei Kong asks him after they leave the city.

“Almost certainly not,” Liu Jin replies. “For all his flaws, I do not believe your cousin to be completely foolish. He suspects something but has decided that playing along is the better choice, not that it matters. A man like that can only think in certain ways.”

Lei Kong does not look reassured. He glances back at the city shrinking on the horizon. “Even so, do you think those two will be fine?”

“Almost certainly,” Liu Jin replies right away. “Like I said, a man like that can only think in certain ways.”

“What about Lady Lu?” Lei Kong asks him. “Leaving her there was basically giving my cousin a potential hostage to use.”

Liu Jin takes a deep breath. Under other circumstances, he’d be glad that Lei Kong has finally decided to start questioning his choices. Right now, he has very little need for Lei Kong to parrot what the more doubtful voices in his mind are saying.

“Mei is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Far more so than you or the City Lord suspect,” he says. “Besides, there is a reason why I asked Big Sister Bai to stay with them.”

“It will be good training for my Dao.”

That is what she said to him when he asked for her help. With her hidden as Lu Mei’s servant, Lu Mei is as safe as she can possibly be.

“And if the City Lord tries something still?” Lei Kong asks him.

“Then I expect there won’t be a city for us to find when we return,” Liu Jin says. After a moment, he adds, “I sincerely hope it doesn’t come to that. We’ll need to settle things with the Brotherhood soon.”

He takes a moment to think about their encounter with the Brotherhood.

“All things considered, things went better than expected on that front.”


"My name is Qing Jin, a disciple of the Eternal Flame Clan and emissary of General Nie Dan. Men of the Brotherhood of Thunder, I wish to have words with you."

Utter silence greets his words. All around them, the men of the Brotherhood of Thunder are brought to a halt. Distrust and confusion are evident in their eyes. If not for the unconscious soldiers of the City Lord at their feet, they would have probably attacked already.

Finally, one of them steps forward.

“Stranger,” he says. “I don’t know of the Eternal Flame Clan, but I do know of General Nie Dan. You claim to be his emissary, but you ride with soldiers of that beast Murong Bang. Why should we trust you?”

“I had hoped the unconscious soldiers would help create some trust between us,” Liu Jin says. “I also bring information that you will find useful. First, this caravan is fake.”

At his words, one of the soldiers casually rips the roof from one of the carts, showing there is nothing in it.

“This was nothing more than a trap planned by the City Lord,” Liu Jin says, “The real caravan is currently heading east by traveling along the… I believe you call it the Groaning Road. ”

Finding that out had not been nearly as complicated as Liu Jin assumed. The City Lord’s security leaves much to be desired. Had the Brotherhood not attacked, Liu Jin would have gone after the real caravan instead. However, it seems there will be no need for that. Liu Jin’s words cause a stir among the Brotherhood.

“Stranger, if your words are true, you have done us a great service,” the man of the Brotherhood says. “What do you seek with the Brotherhood of Thunder?”

“I wish to speak to your leaders,” Liu Jin says. “At first, it was to understand your motives, but I believe I have a good enough grasp of those after visiting a few villages. Now, I merely seek to offer my services.”

If Liu Jin’s words surprise the men under his command, they do not show it. All twenty remain silent, ready to enact his orders. Liu Jin chose these twenty because of their loyalty and discipline. Once they fall in line, so would most of the others.

“That is not a decision someone like me can make,” the man of the Brotherhood replies after a moment.

“I assumed as much,” Liu Jin says. “I was not expecting an answer right away. Talk to your leaders and tell them Qing Jin of the Eternal Flame Clan wishes to speak to them. That is all I ask of you.”

He points to the City Lord’s soldiers. “You can also take these men with you as proof of my sincerity.”

“Wait!” A hacking voice rises from the ground. One of the soldiers is not entirely unconscious. He looks at Liu Jin with wild panic. “You can’t do that! They’ll kill us!”

“Most likely,” Liu Jin replies, looking into the man’s eyes. “Usually, I’d be against it, but tell me, what sort of merchandise do you usually transport? Tell me, and if I find it to be inoffensive, I will protect you from these men.”

The soldier does not answer. He just looks away.

“I thought so,” Liu Jin says.

“Do you wish to know?” The man of the Brotherhood asks him. “I can tell you exactly what it is that these men transport.”

Liu Jin sighs. “No, I’d rather see it with my own eyes.”

He already has a pretty good idea.


Yes, all things considered, that encounter had gone as well as it could have.

“Senior Brother, what are we to do until the Brotherhood contacts us?” Ten asks him, having heard the last part of their conversation. “That could take a long time. Are we to keep traveling aimlessly?”

“No, there is no need to do that, just as there is no need to wait for the Brotherhood to give us their answer,” Liu Jin replies. “I had one of my soul fragments follow them in secret. I already know where their hideout is.”

Lei Kong and Ten Zichun look at each other in surprise.

“Are you sure it is wise to keep making soul fragments in your state, my lord?”

“I am not overextending myself, and my injuries are physical, not spiritual,” Liu Jin replies.

Besides, his soul fragments are surprisingly good at hiding their Qi. It would be a waste not to take advantage of that, though it is a pity he can only manifest them in the shape of snakes. Birds would be far more useful, but according to Elder Xue, one cannot always control the shape of their soul.

Ten nervously tugs his collar. “Begging your pardon, but won’t the Brotherhood of Thunder react poorly if we suddenly show up at their doorstep, Senior Brother?”



What would City Lord Lei do if he knew the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Thunder was located deep inside the Whispering Depths, the same place most of his transport routes go through? It’s no wonder the Brotherhood has such an easy time attacking any caravan that passes through. They must know the place like the back of their hands.

For the City Lord’s men, it must seem like the Brotherhood always appears out of nowhere. The labyrinthine nature of the Depths combined with the heavy mists in the area creates the perfect hiding place. For most people, finding anything here would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Liu Jin does not have that problem. His soul fragment already showed him the way. He and his one hundred men enter the Whispering Depths and make a straight line for the Brotherhood’s hideout.

Predictably, it does not take long for the Brotherhood to notice their presence. Indeed, as soon as Liu Jin and his men get within a few hundred yards of their hideout, countless men of the Brotherhood appear around them, looking down at them from the cliffs and aiming their weapons at them.

“Stand down!” A man of the Brotherhood shouts at them. “Lower your weapons and surrender!”

“Men, lower your weapons,” Liu Jin says.

“But commander!” one of his soldiers shouts. His panicked eyes stare not at Liu Jin but at the many pointy weapons aimed at them.

“The men of the Brotherhood are not our enemies,” Liu Jin says. His voice is not loud, yet his Qi carries his words to every person there. “At least, I hope they are not. It would be quite bad if they made themselves that.”

“How shameless can one man possibly be?!” A man with long brown hair and a face covered with scars roars out as he makes his way to the front of the Brotherhood. His Qi echoes across the cliffs, allowing everyone to feel his power.

He is in the Second Level of the True Realm.

“Qing Jin of the Eternal Flame Clan, emissary of General Nie Dan,” the man says. “I received your message, but you did not wait for our answer. Instead, you come to me with a hundred men. How am I supposed to interpret this?”

“I realize bringing a hundred men with me feels overly aggressive, and I apologize for it,” Liu Jin says, placing one hand on his chest and bowing his head lightly. “By your words, can I assume you are the leader of the Brotherhood?”

“In a way,” the man replies. “You have put me in a difficult position. Your information proved to be good, but marching to our hideout like this is unacceptable. I cannot let you or your men leave this place, or else you could tell the City Lord about it.”

Liu Jin refrains from pointing out that no one here has the ability to stop him from leaving. That sort of thing tends to be why people distrust him.

“If I wanted to tell the City Lord about your hideout, I would have done so already. I have not. I believe that shows my intentions,” Liu Jin says. “However, if it soothes your concerns, you can consider us your prisoners.”

The leader of the Brotherhood narrows his eyes. “You are our prisoners.”

“Then, as your prisoner, I ask only two things of you in the light of the information I have given you,” Liu Jin says. “One, the benefit of an audience with you and the rest of your leadership so that I might plead my case.”

The man snorts. “Quite bold of a prisoner to have demands, but very well. What is your second one?”

“I wish for my men and I to see the bounty you stole from the City Lord,” Liu Jin says.

The man looks at him darkly. “You already know.”

“I suspect,” Liu Jin says, his voice a little tired. “I want to see it, and I want my men to see it too.”

“I refuse to let a hundred armed men into our hideout,” he says.

“Men, lay down your weapons and remove your armor,” Liu Jin says.

“What?” One of his Five-Man Commanders yells. “But that’s-”

“Have I led you astray so far? You have fought Spirit Beasts under my supervision, and you were victorious time after time,” Liu Jin reminds them. “Every single one of you is stronger than the day we met. Far stronger than you would be as normal soldiers. That’s why you did not hesitate when I commanded you to attack the men of the City Lord. Now, I am asking you to lay down your arms, and you will do it because you know I will not allow a single one of you to be harmed while you are under my command.”

The soldiers gulp. Even the men of the Brotherhood seem taken aback. Liu Jin’s voice is without doubt, yet he knows what is at stake here. He knows this is a turning point. If even one of his men decides to fight, it could incentivize the others, and he’d have to stop them. He’d lose the trust of his men, and any negotiations with the Brotherhood would become much harder.

That is why Liu Jin feels nothing but relief when, one by one, his men drop their weapons and take off their armor.

“You will go in groups of ten and no more than that,” the leader of the Brotherhood grumbles.

Liu Jin orders Ten and Lei Kong to take command of the men who will stay outside while he and nine others are led deeper into the Whispering Depths. They walk through rocky passages and dense mists until they reach the hideout of the Brotherhood of Thunder. As Liu Jin lays eyes on it, he realizes it is less of a hideout and more of a miniature city carved into the rock of the cliffs.

“You came just in time,” the leader says. “We’re still cutting them out.”

Some of Liu Jin’s men are confused by his words, but their questions are answered as they reach a plaza where numerous men, women, and children are lined up before a man with a large ax. Every single one of those people has metal shackles around their hands and legs. When they reach the axeman, he swings his weapon and cuts through the metal, setting them free.

“There’s your merchandise,” the leader of the Brotherhood spats out. He seems to relish the realization that spreads across Liu Jin’s men. Now, they all know what Liu Jin has been suspecting for a while. They know why Slate Village was empty.

City Lord Lei has been selling his own people.
