Themis roared into the fight with the two demons like a whirlwind. She only had a bit of armoron, and was wielding a two-handed sword that glowed blue with a lightning enhancement. The paladin seemed to have the other fight under control, so she concentrated her attacks upon the new arrival.Her weapon cleaved one of the sedge beast heads trying to gore her and cut deeply into the squishy body. And stuck there. The four mages who were attached to the daemon twitched as the electrical pulse from the sword was conducted to them. Themis pulled with all her considerable might, but the sword was stuck fast, and she had little leverage. She placed one foot on a head, ignoring it's attempt to gnaw through her steel boot. She pulled again, pushing on the head with her foot. The sword stayed stuck, the head pushed deep into the glue-daemons body, taking her foot and leg with it. Try as she might, her foot was stuck. "Oh, this is stupid. Alright you abomination, you asked for it.!" Once a day, her Great Sword of the Angry Skies could unleash a huge blast of lightning onto an opponent. It was a great way to finish someone off.The glue-daemon glowed blue and spasmed, causing damage to the two people trapped inside of it. The lightning finished them off. They would have been dead anyway in a couple of rounds. The other four mages however, might have been saved. But they had no resistance against the burst of damage from the Tier 4 weapon.

Your Heavenly Burst attack strikes multiple targets!Saphronmage has taken 261 damage. You have slain Saphronmage!Mysto33 has taken 261 damage. You have slain Mysto33!Arcanus has taken 261 damage. You have slain Arcanus!VelvetTeddyBear has taken 261 damage. You have slain VelvetTeddyBear!YmRdYurDead has taken 261 damage. You have slain YmRdYurDead!Goondulf has taken 261 damage. You have slain Gooddulf!As a reminder, no matter how much fun it is slaughtering handfuls of Tier 1 players, you don't get experience from them.Glue-Daemon resists your attack. Glue-Daemon takes 130 damage.You take 261 lightning damage.