Zhao Lifei suddenly felt breathless as she looked down at him. The expression in his eyes resemble the fiery depths of hell, passionately sinful and filled with forbidden desire. His lips tugged upwards into a mischievous smirk with how intently he was looking at her.

She felt a burning sensation of desire beginning to bloom deep within her. Her cheeks were slightly flushed with how deep his stare was. He looked at her, a heated expression on his face as he reached up to cup one side of her cheek.

Yang Feng momentarily lost his focus. He was so enchanted by her, he couldn’t think properly for a few seconds.

Her long hair fell around both of them like curtains, the smell she exuded was so intoxicating to him, he nearly lost his composure. Her startled expression, slightly parted lips, and the fact that she is now sitting on a delicate area of his body forced him to restrain himself, or else he might really lose to his primal urges.

He was supposed to be seducing her, not the other way around! And she wasn’t even trying to seduce him!

He dryly thought that if she actually tried to seduce him, she wouldn’t even have to exert a lot of effort. Her allure was simply too hard to ignore.

He wondered if Zheng Tianyi was a true fool to have thrown her away for a simple commoner that happened to spill scalding hot coffee onto him. Seriously, who was that dumb to fall for someone so incompetent and talentless?

"My dear, you’re drooling." He taunted her, using his thumb to close her soft, parted lips. It was distracting as thoughts of how that lips would feel against his flashed in his mind. It was so soft beneath his rough finger, he thought he was touching a freshly bloomed flower petal.

Unconsciously, she touched the corner of her lips and suppressed the urge to hit him. "Will you stop telling me I am drooling when I am not?!!" She seethed, glaring down at him.

He laughed, his chest rumbling with each beat. "Well, if you stopped looking at me like a fat kid eyeing a piece of cake, I would stop." He mused, brushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear to reveal more of her face.

A fondness passed by him at the smooth action and how she slightly leaned closer to him. He felt as if it was déjà vu, because once upon a time when they were simply children, he had done the same thing to her numerous times.

When they were children, she stubbornly chased after him with her stubby and short little legs that could never catch up to him. Even when she would trip and scrape her knee, she would still quickly stand up to continue running after him.

While he refused to talk, she was content to sit there beside him and drink tea together. He remembered she would always arrive at the Yang Main Mansion properly dressed to perfection but would step out of it a dirty and sweaty mess from an entire day of chasing after him.

In the end, he finally relented to her and began to walk slower so that she was able to match his pace. Though he first took baby steps so that she wouldn’t notice it and jump to any foolish conclusions.

It did not take long for him to start expecting her regular visits to the Yang mansion where she would leave Yang Ruqin to spend time with him.

He couldn’t help but feel amused by how the tables had turned.

The feeling of mirth died down when he suddenly remembered how fast she moved on from him. He had stayed overseas for less than three years and her childhood infatuation with him had transferred to someone else.

Zheng Tianyi.

That name brought a rolling wave of animosity within him, causing his eyes to accidentally darken in anger. In the three years they were apart, he had thought about her a lot.

Even though he was cold to her, she still diligently clung to him. He had refused to ask about her while he was gone, knowing how his mother would probably meddle and arrange something like a child betrothal if he shows any semblance of interest.

Yet, when he came back and decided to reciprocate her crush, he found out that she had already slipped through his fingers. She had fallen right into the hands of a man who couldn’t differentiate a piece of coal from a diamond.

He thought it was strange that after coming back, she had seen him as a stranger and reverted to a lifeless shell.

She didn’t visit the mansion anymore in her childhood and had opted to meet his younger sister elsewhere. The moment he got on that plane to leave, all contact between them had ceased until that fateful day in the hospital.

It seems she had easily forgotten him as if he was dust blown away by the smallest breath of wind. He would never forget her detached gaze that looked right past him as if she had never met him in her life before. It was quite odd...

"A penny for your thoughts?" She teased, tilting her head to look down at his dazed expression. She didn’t think a man had ever looked at her like that — as if he had been completely allured by her. She thought it was only her who was mesmerized by him.

When he didn’t answer her, she reached out to pinch one side of his cheek. As expected, his skin was soft and perfect.

"Hm?" He responded, moving one of his hands away from her cheek to grip her wrist, smiling up at her.

"Do you realize our position?" He teased her, chuckling in amusement, his eyes dancing with a bright glimmer that only seemed to shine for her.

"Huh?" She said, her head tilting down and her eyes grew wide in shock.

Zhao Lifei finally became aware of their position. With one of his arms slithered around her waist, the other holding her wrist in place, her disheveled top revealed a generous amount of skin. She was on top of him with her knees and his arms holding her up for support.

Her cheeks became as red as a ripe tomato upon realizing how intimate their position was.