After a few seconds of comfortable silence, Zhao Moyao finally decided to speak up again, this time, his voice was heavy.

"Xiao Fei, there will be no legal repercussions." He placed the pen and contract he was looking at down. "But the military had somehow caught wind of this. They have contacted me and although they refused to even hint how they found out, they’re impressed to know your skills have not deteriorated." If anyone else told her this, Zhao Lifei would’ve thought it was a compliment. However, it had come from the same military higher-ups who were keen to get their hands on her...

She was once in many military commanders’ and sergeants’ radar for her excellent marksmanship and ability to easily adapt and learn. She had been poached by many to join their squadron, but refused and just went along with who her grandfather assigned her with.

A lot of the higher-ups believed she would soar higher than everyone else if she stayed in the military, but that was an impossible dream — especially when there’s a very formidable person waiting for her back in the battlefield...

"They want me to come back." She finished his thought for him, her heartbeat picking up speed and drumming in fear.

She refused to go back. Even if they attempt to force her, they would have to drag her kicking and screaming. There was a time where she wanted to be a part of the battlefield and fight for her country. But now, she just wanted to live a peaceful life somewhere in the countryside, spending her days drinking tea and staying far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

In the quiet hospital room, she could only hear her frantic heart thumping against her chest.

"Yes, they do." Zhao Moyao’s face turned black when he remembered the request his long term friend had asked of him. He refused outright without any hesitations, but that didn’t stop them from pestering him. They tried to personally contact her, but he squashed any attempts of that.

"Grandfather, I don’t want to go back there—"

"And you won’t." He was firm in this and left no room for arguments. He would never allow her in there, as long as that man was still a Sergeant General...

"The security around you will be tighter than before. Yang Heng and I have already agreed on increasing your security detail. I know you don’t like it but you need to get used to it." Zhao Moyao knew how cunning his old friends were. If they wanted a soldier, they would use any means necessary to obtain her.

"Okay." She softly agreed, thinking back to the last time the military tried to bring her back.

They initially invited her to a nice chat, but as time passed, their peaceful conversation has slowly turned threatening. When the threats became violent, Zhao Moyao’s bodyguards were quick to call back up.

"If you see anything suspicious, even if it seems like nothing, I want you to contact me or Li Xuan immediately. Is that clear?"

"Yes, grandfather." She responded, slightly distracted.

What if they really came for her again? She could take down regular thugs who are people blinded by greed and was only doing their jobs for the money. However, hurting a soldier who was just following orders went against her morals. She had been normal comrades with them and know how life in the military is. And besides, if she hurts a soldier, no amount of connections would be able to cover it up.

"Xiao Fei, do you know when you will be discharged from the hospital?" He asked her.

"The doctors said they would need to run more tests and monitor my condition for a few days before I can get discharged. Why?"

Zhao Moyao checked the calendar. "The banquet will be held in three weeks. Your attendance is still mandatory." He told her, not relenting to her missing the event, regardless of her condition.

Besides, he was confident she would heal fast enough to attend the banquet. Elder Ling had even called him a few days ago to personally confirm her attendance at this important banquet. He couldn’t go back to his words now.

To him, it would be a good opportunity for her to make new connections and improve her network. She had changed a lot within two years. This new personality of hers would be good for fixing her tarnished reputation.

Zhao Lifei sighed. "I was hoping you would forget that."

He chuckled at her depressed tone. "Lighten up Xiao Fei, you won’t go there alone. Yang Heng will also be there. Maybe you can even take him as your date."

Zhao Lifei chuckled at the way he worded it. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

"Will you continue to mispronounce his name?" She teased, realizing he rarely called the king of the Underworld by his correct name.


"Even in front of him?"

"If I feel petty enough." He laughed at the idea, the sound hearty and warm.

His response startling and terrifying Li Xuan at the same time. ’Dear boss, please don’t tarnish your reputation for petty games!’ Li Xuan wailed inside of his head, fearing for the day that his boss actually calls the Yama, "Yang Heng". He was terrified that all hell would let loose and the flourishing CEO would be severely insulted.

"Hm, then I suppose you will call him that for the rest of your life." She laughed, the sound was like a symphony to her grandfather. She didn’t even realize that she implied that Yang Feng would be in their lives for a long time.

Seeing her in such a good mood, Zhao Moyao couldn’t help but bask in her radiance. It seemed that her short stint in the military combined with intensive therapy really paid off, though the former had too many strings attached...

"Perhaps." He nodded to himself, enjoying the idea. "Send me your room number and I will visit you once I get off of work today." He motioned for Li Xuan to prepare a large bouquet they would be bringing later.

"T-today?" She asked, remembering that Yang Feng would be visiting her once he got off of work as well. The thought that he would do so right away made her very giddy, as her heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, today. Why? Is there something wrong?" Zhao Moyao taunted, even though he already knew why she was hesitating. It seemed the flies really don’t disappear, no matter how much he tried to swat them away and keep this precious granddaughter safe.

"W-well, there’s uh..." Zhao Lifei didn’t know why she felt so embarrassed about this. This was her first time to proudly announce that her lover would be coming over and she didn’t know how to properly explain that.

"There’s what?" Zhao Moyao continued to tease his granddaughter. He couldn’t help it, the more frantic she sounded, the more enjoyment he got out of it.

"There’s a friend visiting me today at the same time you’re going to be here and—"

"Well, your friend can get the amazing opportunity of talking to a very influential and prominent CEO. What’s wrong with that?" He asked her, continuing the fun banter. A person that left the office at the same time as him? Only one person comes to mind...

"There’s nothing wrong with it but—"

"Then I see no problem in going there as well." Zhao Moyao interjected, waiting for her to spill the truth. It was so amusing to hear her panic and struggle, especially with her stoic and rigid personality. Who knew this granddaughter can also get flustered like other women her age?

Li Xuan decided to come to his Young Miss’s aid. "Sir, I think Miss Lifei is trying to say—"

Zhao Moyao held the phone away from his ears. "I know what she is trying to say. It’s fun to tease and poke at her, don’t you think so?" He didn’t wait for his secretary’s response before placing the phone back onto his ear.

"Grandfather, I heard what you said!" She cried out in frustration, not believing he could play such a cruel joke on her. She didn’t think he enjoyed bullying her that much!

Zhao Moyao chuckled. "Is that so?" He signaled for Li Xuan to postpone the flowers for tomorrow.

"Then I must compliment your hearing and I hope your companion also has an amazing hearing—"

"Grandpa!" She reached the brink of her patience, her voice rose to a higher volume that only made Zhao Moyao laugh more. Zhao Lifei was so embarrassed, she didn’t know if she should cry or laugh on the spot! She didn’t even realize she had dropped the formal address!

At the way she addressed him, Zhao Moyao couldn’t help but smile. It had been a very long time since she called him that. Ever since she started puberty, the adorable child stopped using this familiar nickname.

"Alright, alright, Xiao Fei. I’ll stop bullying you for the time being."

Zhao Lifei breathed a sigh of relief. Finally!

"But I expect to see that little Yang Heng of yours out of the hospital room when I visit bright and early in the morning. He will not stay the night in your room. Is that clear?" He was not planning on taking "no" for an answer.

"Yes, sir." She jokingly said although she wasn’t sure if she could uphold the promise. Yang Feng was especially charismatic in getting what he wanted...