Chapter 1549  : what kind of ability do you have to be so cruel to my mother? quan yan had yet to enter the house, but quan yan could already hear his voice through the door.

“you guys let me in! quan yuan, i know you’re in the office, get the hell out here!” quan yan was extremely angry. he was obviously stopped by yin yong. since he couldn’t get in, he kicked the office door angrily.

” mr. quan yan, this is against the rules. please stop, or we’ll have to force you to leave this place! ” yin yong’s words were equally sharp as he spoke loudly to quan yan.

but quan yan couldn’t care less. he was still filled with anger and shouted through the door, ” ” quan ye, if you have anything to say, come at me. what kind of ability do you have to be so cruel to my mother? get the hell out here! ”

quan yuan’s gaze flickered, and she finally raised her head to look in the direction of the office door, ” “yin yong, let him in,”

yin yong opened the tightly shut office door and let quan yan in.

however, yin yong had been on guard against quan yan. after quan yan entered the room, he immediately grabbed quan yan’s arm and controlled his movements.

of course, quan yan wasn’t yin yong’s match. he was easily suppressed by yin yong and couldn’t get rid of him no matter how hard he struggled.

quan mo was not worried that quan yan would approach him. he looked at quan yan calmly and asked, ” “what did you just say?”

quan yan’s struggle was to no avail. he could only stand on the spot, glare at quan ye, and shout, ” “quan ye, stop pretending! let me ask you, where did you take my mother? i’m warning you, if anything happens to my mother, i’ll kill you!”

“i didn’t touch your mother.” quan ye said with a calm expression.

quan yan could tell that he wasn’t lying because he was so calm.

but quan yan couldn’t figure out how quan sheng didn’t know anything. he must have known something but was unwilling to say it.

“quan ye, you dare to do it but don’t dare to admit it?” quan yan had no choice but to provoke quan yu.

” even quan jing zhou isn’t my match, let alone her. ” quan ye said disapprovingly.

if he had really taken that woman seriously, he would not have allowed her to return to the country from the beginning.

besides, even if he had really made a move on that woman, there was no need to hide it from quan yan.

quan yan saw quan shi’s calm expression and could not help but believe him. however, it was precisely because he believed in quan ye that quan yan’s expression became even more confused, ” “then why did my mother go missing? she even called me this morning, but she’s gone now. she didn’t go to the old house and didn’t pick up the phone.”

“that’s your business,” quan ye replied expressionlessly. yin yong, get him out. no one is allowed to come to the floor where my office is without my permission.”

yin yong nodded, his attitude extremely respectful.”yes, sir.”

as he spoke, yin yong had already forcefully dragged quan yan out.

quan yan didn’t want to leave at first, but after his futile struggle, he shouted even louder, ” ” i don’t believe that my mother’s departure has nothing to do with you. quan yuan, help me find my mother, quickly help me! ”

without waiting for quan yan to finish speaking, yin yong dragged him away forcefully.

quan jin’s mood was not affected by this farce. instead, he calmly lowered his head and continued to work on the documents on his table.

chi jiao was completely unaware of this farce. she waited until after lunch and walked in the direction of the divine trigram hall.

chi jiao was walking forward when she suddenly heard a champagne-colored car beeping.