Chapter 199 A dream again  

On the other hand, when Kyle disappeared from the room his mind was ringing, and due to the sudden pull he felt around his body he wasn't able to stabilize himself on time as he landed in an area filled with grass.

He groaned and used his palm to sit but due to the uneven ground, his body slid downward.

A painful expression appeared on his pale face and to stop his body he hurriedly tried to grab something anything but the grass around him was too weak to support his weight.

After sliding down for a few seconds his body abruptly halted as he crashed into a tree.

Kyle hissed and his toe curled up with pain. He took a few large breaths and opened his blurry eyes.

He was surrounded by many trees and tall grass. At a distance, a medium-sized building was standing hidden between the rows of trees. Under his gaze the building shook slightly, sending small waves of vibrations everywhere.

A far contrast to his sorry state, Kyle's lips curled upward slightly.

'The Array blasted...'

He was a little worried about Alec and the others because he didn't expect to just suddenly disappear on them.

'I can just hope they used the Array and left the room on time because if they didn't.... well that's a very bad thought.'

Kyle's eyes narrowed slightly. He wanted to destroy the room where Bia was caged that's why he added some destructive symbols between the Array.

After thinking for a few seconds, Kyle sighed. His condition was too bad. At this moment how dare he worry about others.

Anyway, Oliver was strong and he took care of the red-haired man. So they might have escaped unscathed.

Kyle's mind wandered around for a minute. He wanted to stand up and look around for a safe place but his body didn't listen to him.

Soon, his breathing turned even colder, and large wisps of white smoke came out of his mouth.

'I don't want to faint here...'

He fought a mental battle because his location wasn't safe but after struggling for a while he gave up because his whole body was aching. It was painful and cold.

In his last attempt, he moved his fingers to look inside the storage ring for a healing potion but then he recalled he used all of them on Bia. With a resigned sigh, Kyle closed his eyes.

If Nine saw Kyle now, he would gasp with shock because this scenario was very familiar to the image he saw in his mind. Kyle's bloodied figure clad in tattered clothes, lying between lush grass. In the end, even though Nine saw the image he wasn't fated to help Kyle.

Amidst the headache, Kyle's mind drifted for a while and he found himself in a familiar place where blue flames lingered around his floating body. 'Hmm...This place...A dream again?'

Even though Kyle could barely see what was happening around him, he sensed something moving inside his body but instead of pain, he felt a tingling sensation.

The blue flames felt extremely cold around his body, they touched him and danced around him. It was like they were pondering or waiting for the right time to enter his body.

Kyle didn't know how much time passed as he floated between the flames when suddenly like a dam something burst within his body. The moment this sensation appeared within him, the flames burned with more vigor, they immediately jumped with incredible speed and entered his body.

His body didn't resist and the flames travelled inside his whole body freely. Kyle's mind stopped at that moment and he let his body freely float in that strange place.

While all this was happening within his mind, in the original world memorizing yet dim blue particles emerged out from his chest and enveloped his whole body. The particles travelled around his body like a gentle breeze and his injuries healed in a frightening speed. Just in a few seconds, all his wounds disappeared no matter how big or small.

After curing his wounds, the particles trembled violently. It was a very strange phenomenon. The trees and grass around Kyle shook slightly. Their leaves rustle with joy because they were witnessing something incredible that was forgotten a long long time ago.

The mana in the atmosphere surged at Kyle with incredible speed. With each passing second, the blue particles become thicker and thicker forming a round blue blanket around his whole body.

Soon, Kyle's body was completely hidden inside the blanket. Subconsciously his body curled up and a frost-chilling air spread out everywhere.

At the same time, when Aoky was done cleaning the building he came out of the building with a dark expression and cursed the ones who left him behind to do everything alone.

He narrowed his eyes with a frown when he felt the surrounding temperature. It was cold very cold. He rubbed his arms and clicked his tongue.

"Now what the heck with the weather? Why is it so cold under a scorching sun?"

He grumbled inwardly and looked around but after finding nothing he left the place hurriedly without looking back.

The day soon turned into night and the temperature around the place turned even colder. Kyle's figure was completely hidden between a layer of blue blanket. His presence was hidden due to the earring and coupled with the dust and debris that flew around with the wind. Soon the blanket turned dusty. Making it even harder to locate it between the grassy field and tall trees.

A few low-rank monsters and birds around the place sensed the coldness and their bodies shivered. They narrowed their eyes but didn't approach the place for fear of encountering a strong opponent.

Next day, a familiar black-haired man appeared in front of the building. It was George, He narrowed his eyes and looked at the building.

After a minute, Elder Elaze appeared behind him with a serious expression.

"I have looked around everywhere. The whole village is surrounded by a forest. This is the only suspicious place and the old elves have no idea about this building because it's too far away from the village."

George nodded and his eyes flashed with anger. He entered the building with Elaze and after seeing the condition of the building they were sure it was the same place where the kids were trapped.

"Not even a single alive person and I didn't even see anything useful."

George left the building and gazed at it one last time. He waved his hand to crush it completely. The building trembled under his might and with a loud banging sound, it crumbled. Clouds of smoke appeared in front of Geroge and he waved his hand to clear his vision.

Elaze stood behind him with a solemn expression.

"Should I go even deeper to look around for that kid?" George didn't turn around and just nodded.

"Let's just look around the whole forest. This forest is attached to the outermost area of the Dark Forest. I am not sure if he is alive but we should do our best to look for him."

Elaze nodded but then he stared around the building.

"Strange why is it so cold here?"

Geroge eyes narrowed slightly as he looked around the trees and grass.

"Cold? The air is it but I can't sense the reason. This area is indeed colder."

He whispered and shook his head.

"Let's separate, contact me if you find anything regarding Kyle."

With a nod, Elaze disappeared in the opposite direction. Geroge gaze lingered around the place for a few seconds but he sighed and disappeared as well.


Meanwhile, Elder Han left the Central Continent and entered the East Continent after traveling for two days.

It took him another day just to reach the border of Kingdom Tersia. While he was standing above the border his communication device finally trembled.

With a serious expression, he hurriedly received the call.


His voice sounded serious and after a few seconds, a familiar voice replied.

"Han? Where are you? I just got a call from King Cedric that you left your assigned job and disappeared."

Ratric voice sounded tired. He was indeed tired after running around in the Dark Forest and he even had to worry about the Academy matters.

"I would have never disappeared if you picked up my call on time! Anyway, leave this matter. Just tell me what happened to Kyle? I left him a life-saving Artifact and it's cracked that's means Kyle life is in danger. Also, from the tracking plaque I asked him to store in his storage ring, I can sense he is not in the Kingdom!"

"I do recall the kids had to attend a tournament but I am one hundred percent sure the King would never hold the tournament in another Kingdom."

Ratric stayed quiet for a few seconds but then a sigh resounded from the communication device.

"I was too busy that's why I didn't check the communication Crystal. About Kyle, I am not sure where he is because something happened within the Academy in my absence. Now that you left the Central Continent come back for a while. I need to discuss something with you."

Ratric voice was grim which is why a frown appeared on Han's face. He massaged his temples and held the plaque in his hands.

"I will come back but not now. I just sensed through the plaque the person who had the other plaque is nearby so I am going to take a look."

After a second, Ratric voice sounded again.

"Alright, inform me if you find anything regarding Kyle. Also, contact Geroge and Elaze they are looking for Kyle as well."

With a hum, Han closed the communication device. His eyes narrowed looking at a distance and he started floating, heading straight toward the place where he sensed the presence of the other plaque.