Chapter 975 The Awakened Flame Demonic Spear!

They nodded and discussed the specific battle plan for tomorrow.

Since they were preparing to rebel, the positions of the two squads would naturally have to be adjusted. Huang Yuan and Lu Dajiang were preparing to arrange for the two squads to be at the flanks and the rear.

This way, when they cooperated with Team Origin, they could encircle and annihilate Luo Feng’s two squads. With this, not only could they successfully take down those two squads with minimal losses, but they could also wipe them out as much as possible.

Everyone knew very well that not only did they have to win this battle, but they also had to annihilate the enemy.

After all, if any fish slipped through the net, the powerful Lakon Territory could use those “fish” to find the existence of the Origin Territory.

Therefore, they had to wipe out all Lakonians in this battle. There could not be any fish that slipped through the net!

After the discussion, everyone decided to disperse.

Just as they were about to leave, Huang Yuan gave them a final reminder, “Right, there’s one more thing. Although our two squads are made up of people from Blue Planet and have a strong cohesion, only us few should know about today’s deployment to avoid any disloyalty. We can’t let any of our subordinates know, for now. We’ll just inform and instruct them when we take action tomorrow.”

Lu Dajiang was stunned when he heard this, but he quickly understood the reason.

Although the people of Blue Planet and the Lakonians came from different planes, they all belonged to the Lighthouse Territory during this period. After spending time together day and night, their relationship was actually quite good.

In fact, there were already quite a few people from Blue Planet who respected and trusted Luo Feng. Even Lu Dajiang himself would have started to trust Luo Feng if he hadn’t learned about the conspiracy.

Only now did he realize that Luo Feng had done all of this on purpose. The reason why he had shown his fair side was to gain the trust of all the Blue Planet people in Lighthouse Territory so that he could smoothly take over the territory!

“Alright, I understand,” Lu Dajiang nodded.

With that, they ended their meeting and dispersed.

After dispersing, they returned to their tents to rest. They didn’t see any of their subordinates, nor did they give any orders. This was the best way to keep the whole matter a secret and not let anyone on Luo Feng’s side discover that something was wrong.

Lu Dajiang and the others knew very well that this operation concerned their life and death, as well as the continuity of the two Blue Planet squads. Therefore, this battle was extremely crucial and could not be lost.

In fact, this was their only chance. If they missed this opportunity, they would have no chance to resist the powerful Lakon Territory. At that time, it would be impossible for them to even escape!

… The next morning, the sky had yet to brighten, but the members of Team Origin had already split up to prepare.

Many of the heavily injured members had yet to recover their combat strength, so they could only stay behind to help with some logistics work and could not go to the front lines to fight.

As for the rest of the team members, even if they had not fully recovered from their injuries, they would continue to fight as long as they had a certain amount of combat strength.

Today’s battle was undoubtedly extremely important to Team Origin. It was a battle that concerned their life and death.

High up in the sky, on a tree branch, Liu Yan looked at the bustling Team Origin members on the ground. He was relatively calm.

A great war was imminent, and it would affect the life and death of the Origin Territory. However, Liu Yan’s heart was becoming calmer and calmer.

Although he didn’t know Lu Dajiang and Huang Yuan’s decision, he could roughly guess that they wouldn’t continue to help Team Lighthouse. Rather, there was a high chance that they would help Team Origin.

Even if they didn’t help Team Origin, Liu Yan was confident in his own abilities. Even on themselves, they could annihilate Luo Feng’s two squads. It would just result in more casualties.

Liu Yan couldn’t help but sigh. Today was the 22nd day since Team Origin arrived at the tower’s sixth level, Wind Barrier. There were still 8 days before the novice protection period ended, which meant that the territory barrier would disappear.

Who would have thought that a new territory would have to go through so much in less than a month after coming to the Wind Barrier?

First, they destroyed the Whirlwind Turtle group, and then with the cooperation of the Origin Territory, they destroyed the Flame Demon King and the mystic monster army, completing an S-grade mission.

Now, they had to face a powerful level 5 territory head-on. In the end, they might even have to face a truly top-notch territory, the level 7 Lakon Territory!

Liu Yan sighed again. Although they had faced many hardships along the way, in reality, the Origin Territory was now ahead of most of the new territories.

Although he didn’t know how the other new territories were developing, he believed that the Origin Territory had already taken the lead.

At the very least, when the territory barrier disappeared, Origin Territory would have absolute victories even in random battles with other new territories.

Facing the other new territories, the Origin Territory was fearless!

Then, Liu Yan gathered his thoughts and prepared to fight.

After a night of rest, his condition had already been adjusted to its peak. He was ready to face his powerful opponent with 19-star combat strength, Luo Feng!

Just as he was about to leave, Liu Yan paused. He did not expect the Flame Demonic Spear to awaken at the last moment!

His eyes lit up. Even though he was confident that he could defeat much smoother! He took out the awakened Flame Demonic Spear. The weapon had Luo Feng with his own strength, with the help of the powerful SSS-grade Flame Demonic Spear, the battle would undoubtedly be much smoother!

He took out the awakened Flame Demonic Spear. The weapon had already signed a contract with him, so it was currently his weapon.

Liu Yan immediately sensed the existence of the Flame Demonic Spear’s weapon spirit. The moment he did so, he felt a violent bloodthirst in his heart.

Liu Yan hurriedly relied on his powerful spirit energy to calm his heart.

He was quite surprised. As expected of a powerful SSS-grade demonic weapon. It was really evil. To think it could affect his mind while he was just holding it.

As long as one used the Flame Demonic Spear to fight, wouldn’t one’s mind be affected and even possessed?

Fortunately, Liu Yan had always focused on improving his spirit energy. Currently, his spirit energy was already incomparably powerful, so he was not afraid of such things at all.

He even had a powerful mental attack skill, which was more than enough to deal with the Flame Demonic Spear.

Sensing that the Flame Demonic Spear seemed to be a little restless, Liu Yan wrapped it with his powerful spirit energy, instantly suppressing the weapon.

“Behave yourself. If you piss me off, I’ll scatter your weapon spirit!” Liu Yan threatened.

If the Flame Demonic Spear really angered Liu Yan, he wouldn’t mind dispersing its weapon spirit.

Although the power of the Flame Demonic Spear would be greatly reduced after losing its weapon spirit, it would at least be under his control.

Besides, it was a powerful SSS-grade weapon after all. Even without its weapon spirit, its power was still extremely extraordinary. It was still much stronger than ordinary SS-grade weapons.

Once the weapon spirit of the Flame Demonic Spear sensed Liu Yan’s terrifying spirit energy and heard his threat, it immediately became much more obedient.

Seeing this, Liu Yan was satisfied. He picked up the Flame Demonic Spear and examined it.

The Flame Demonic Spear was clearly incomparably heavy, weighing over ten thousand kilograms. Even with Liu Yan’s strength, it shouldn’t be light for him.

However, the Flame Demonic Spear had a weapon spirit and had already signed a contract with Liu Yan. As such, it felt light and nimble in his hands. This was the effect of the Flame Demonic Spear acknowledging its owner.

Liu Yan examined the Flame Demonic Spear. It was over two meters long, much taller than him. The body of the spear looked ordinary, but he knew that it was extraordinary.

At this moment, Liu Yan could not help but be quite expectant. Just how powerful would the first SSS-grade weapon he obtained be?

Previously, although he also had an SSS-grade item, the Wings of the Wind God, it was SSS-grade special equipment, not a weapon. Although it had an attack effect, it was not a pure attack weapon.

Secondly, the Wings of the Wind God were still in a sealed state, and they had yet to display their true power.

The Flame Demonic Spear was different. It was an SSS-grade weapon without any seals. It was purely a weapon that focused on killing and fighting!

Out of curiosity, Liu Yan quickly checked the Flame Demonic Spear’s attributes panel.