Liu Yan saw that the experts were in good spirits and couldn't help but feel satisfied.

Even if the path ahead was gloomy, they still tried their best to move forward and search for light. Wasn't this also a form of courage?

Liu Yan continued, "You guys will lead the five squads and receive missions. Then, you'll assign experts to different squads according to the mission's difficulty. After completing the missions and obtaining the rewards, accept new missions. Complete as many missions as possible and obtain as many rewards as possible. That way, you'll be able to increase your strength as much as possible. Next, you will discuss which missions to accept."

Then, the experts began to discuss.

There were no longer any low-grade missions in the Hallucinatory Forest.

After all, there were no living creatures in the periphery of the Hallucinatory Forest. The original creatures had been exterminated by the Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers.

After being killed by Liu Yan and a few top-tier experts for two days and one night, the Hallucinatory Man-eating Flowers were frightened and escaped into the depths of the Hallucinatory Forest.

In the Hallucinatory Forest, there were no F-grade missions.

As for the other three directions, there were some F-grade missions.

After a discussion, the experts decided to accept missions from all three directions, with hunting missions being the priority.

After all, the ordinary members could increase their strength by killing fierce beasts, mystic monsters, and monster plants. They could gain combat experience and thus improve their level and strength.

This way, they could increase their strength and obtain many other things when they carried out the missions. They would not have to focus on completing the mission.

They could consider three types of missions, so they had more choices to choose from. They could choose to accept some of the more suitable missions.

Of course, there was a certain amount of danger in doing so. After all, Liu Yan had explored the Hallucinatory Forest in the south and the desert in the west with his men.

However, the world of ice and snow in the north and the sea in the east had not been explored before. There were unknown factors and a certain amount of danger.

If it were before, Liu Yan would not let them go to these two unexplored areas to carry out a mission.

Liu Yan would either explore it himself or lead a small team of experts to explore it first.After confirming there was no danger, they would let the ordinary members go.

However, after the incident with the Flame Demon King, the pressure on Team Origin increased. Time was of the essence.

And the most urgent person was undoubtedly Liu Yan himself.

After all, Liu Yan knew that he was the strongest. The further improvement of his strength would be the greatest improvement to the strength of the entire Origin Territory.

At this time, Liu Yan's own time was vital. Naturally, he did not have extra time to explore in advance to ensure his safety.

The experts started discussing among themselves. Should they accept the northern frost world and the eastern sea region's mission and then take the ordinary members to carry out the mission? Or should the expert teams explore first before the ordinary members?

Xu Han said, "I think it's dangerous. We don't have much info about these two places. It's dangerous, but it's not a bad thing."

Hans Wilson replied, "From my previous experience exploring the Hallucinatory Forest in the south and the desert in the west, the danger level in the outer area is still okay. There shouldn't be any problems."

Allen Smith said, "I think we can take the risk. It's already come to this."

Luo Wei added, "At this time, it's necessary to take an appropriate risk."

"I think it's best to be safe," said Derek Dole, "At a time like this, it's better to be safe."

Sun Wen said, " I'll take a neutral stand. Normally, I'd agree to be more stable, but with the pressure from the Flame Demon King, it's a critical time. I can understand."

He Yang said, "If we don't go to these two places, we'll have lesser tasks to accept. It'll be a burden.

"If it were up to me, I'd rather take the risk," Jin Cheng said.

At this moment, Murong Xue couldn't help but stand up. "Why are you all still so indecisive at a time like this? It's fine to take a risk."

Luo Qingcheng also nodded. "I also think that it's just the outer area. The degree of danger should be acceptable. You experts are going together anyway."

Chu Long added, "Even if they run into danger, they can retreat in time and teleport back to the city with One-click Recall. It's okay to be injured. As long as they don't die immediately, I can heal the team members. Don't worry."

After a round of discussion, the experts agreed that they would need to take a certain amount of risk if they want to increase their strength quickly.

In such a critical period, appropriate risks were completely worth it and meaningful.

Furthermore, they could retreat to the city with One-click Recall. They had Chu Long, a priest with powerful healing abilities, in the territory. They would be fine even if they lost an arm or a leg. As long as they were not dead, they could be healed.

In the end, the experts decided to choose from the three missions.

The world of ice and snow in the north and the eastern sea had not been explored yet. However, they would still directly enter and take appropriate risks. In any case, they would be completing those F-grade missions in the outer regions, so there probably would not be any great danger.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no F-grade missions available in the Hallucinatory Forest in the south, the experts would have accepted the missions of all four directions.

Liu Yan didn't participate in the discussion. He let the other members discuss among themselves.

After all, it was Liu Yan's job to lead ordinary members to receive and complete missions. Liu Yan had to act alone and would not participate in their actions.

Liu Yan saw that the experts had finished their discussion, so he nodded and said, "Okay, it's decided then. If there are no problems, go back and prepare. We'll officially start tomorrow. I hope everyone can go smoothly."

"We wish captain a smooth operation." The experts said sincerely.

Although Liu Yan didn't say it, the experts could guess that with Liu Yan's character and strength, the mission he accepted would not be the lowest F-grade mission. It was very likely to be an E-grade mission. It also meant that Liu Yan had to enter the depths of the Hallucinatory Forest to complete the missions.

The danger level of Liu Yan's missions was far above theirs.

On the other hand, Liu Yan's terrifying strength and leadership skills were crucial to the entire Origin Territory, and nothing could happen to him.

The experts knew it very well.

Naturally, they did not want anything to happen to Liu Yan and hoped everything would go smoothly for him.

If something happened to Liu Yan, the entire territory would collapse, and they would no longer be able to fight against the Flame Demon King and the army of mystic monsters.

Liu Yan understood the thoughts and intentions of the experts. He waved his hand and sent them away.

Soon, the experts left to make their preparations.action

As for Luo Qingcheng, Chu Long, and Murong Xue, they did not leave. Their eyes were filled with worry as they looked at Liu Yan.

The experts were all present, so they naturally couldn't show off.

After only the three of them and Liu Yan left, they could no longer hide their emotions.