[Schedule will be changing. Updates will be at 10pm EST from now on.]

Lamorak was shocked by the sudden turn, but he quickly recovered. Underestimating this boy could only end poorly. The only way to ensure that nothing else unexpected occurred would be to kill him now.

After reaching such a conclusion, his aura surged once more, his power entering his spikeless, cynlindrical mace as he powered a strike downward.

"Holy Son!"

Elys' sudden shocked cry shook the inner city.

"Sir Lamorak, please stay your hand!"

Lamorak didn't seem to hear anything, but it was at this point that Aliard moved. Just when his mace was about to kill Leonel, the frail old man appeared before the knight, a wand faintly glowing in his hand.

A muffled boom sounded.

Aliard's maroon robes fluttered wildly under the wind pressure, but his supposedly fragile figure didn't bend. In fact, under the shocked gazes of everyone, his thin wand completely stopped Lamorak's massive mace in its tracks.

Lamorak frowned. "What are you doing, Magus Aliard?"

Aliard send a complicated gaze toward Leonel before turning back toward Lamorak.

"You cannot kill him."

Compared to before, there wasn't an ounce of leeway in his words. It seemed that no matter what Lamorak said this time, it wouldn't matter in the slightest. Aliard had already resolved himself to protect Leonel.

Lamorak's frown deepened. "Give me an explanation."

His voice came out hoarse. No one doubted that if Aliard's words weren't convincing enough, the great knight truly wouldn't have a problem with starting a battle here and now. Compared to the safety of Camelot, he didn't mind falling out with even a Three Star Magus if he deemed it necessary.

"You should have already heard it. He is our Holy Son. What other explanations do you need?"

Lamorak slowly lowered his mace. It seemed that he wouldn't be able to do what he wanted to do today. He had indeed heard Elys' words, but he had completely ignored them. It was impossible to tell whether he knew their significance or not, or if he simply knew of it and still didn't care.

At that moment, a whole host of city guards began to make their way forward. These events seemed to have taken a long time, but it was truly no more than a few minutes since the battle began. Coupling that with the fact the inner city usually didn't need much policing and it was no surprise that it took so long for officials to make their way here.

However, by the time they did, it was all already over.


Leonel startled awake.

His first thought was that he had died and ascended to some higher world controlled by a greater power. It truly wasn't his fault for thinking this either.

For one, he had been in a life or death situation. And secondly… he couldn't describe the place he was currently in by any other means.

Everything was either in white or gold. Even the bed sheets that covered him were embroidered with real gold sheets. With his Metal Synergy Lineage Factor, it was simple for Leonel to tell that this was in fact real metal.

Despite the fact that everything was woven by such bright colors, the room itself wasn't hard on the eyes. Everything gave off a warm light that made it more comfortable than grating. It was precisely the kind of place one would expect 'Heaven' to resemble.

However, these thoughts didn't last long because when Leonel awoke, the large doors to his current room were opened. It was only now he realized just how tall the entryway was. He didn't understand why a bedroom needed doors with a height of over five meters.

After he got over the oddity of the doors, Leonel was shocked to find that the one who entered was … Elys?

He very much doubted that she died along with him. Plus, if this was his Heaven, the woman who came in should definitely be Aina, not this woman he barely caught a glimpse of beneath her massive, pointed hat.

This time, though, Elys had taken off her large hat, revealing quite some delicate features. She looked like a girl of no more than 16 years of age. But, remembering that Jarin had called her an old hag multiple times, he felt that there was more to this story.

When Elys saw Leonel looking at her so intently, she blushed profusely, forgetting what she had come for. The tray of water and fruits she had come in with clattered under her nervouseness, shaking along with her trembling hands.

Leonel raised an eyebrow. What was wrong with this woman? She didn't seem like the type to act like this. In fact, she had quite the foul mouth from what he remembered. Plus, it wasn't like he was handsome enough to cause such a reaction.

As for Flowing Wind's words on his attractiveness? He never took it very seriously. She was just the type to say such things.

Had Flowing Wind been here, she would have definitely felt aggrieved. She was very selective with her compliments. Even before the Metamorphosis, Leonel was fairly attractive. At least considered within a top percentile of men.

After the Metamorphosis, not much changed. Until, that is… he awakened his Lineage Factors. He already had the appearance of a Roman God after touching upon his Metal Synergy Lineage Factor. But, what he didn't know was that while he was unconscious, he had unshackled the Healing Sub Branch of his Snowy Star Owl Lineage Factor.

This had not only saved his life in an unexpected way, but it had also given him an added charm.

Of course, this alone wasn't the reason Elys was acting in this way. Leonel's charm was one thing, but the legends behind his ability were something completely different.

After a while, Elys finally settled herself beneath Leonel's gaze and set the tray down.

Her long, slender fingers played with the fabric of her dark blue robes.

"Holy Son, would you like me to serve you?"

Leonel's expression turned weird while Elys seemed to become a ripe tomato.

It was only after a while Leonel realized she was making weird assumptions because of his gaze.

"Holy Son…? What is that?" Leonel asked with a weird expression.

Elys blinked. Seemingly realizing that she had misunderstood something, she reddened even more.

"The Holy Son is you, of course."

"Me? How am I your Holy Son?"

Leonel's expression became weirder.

"That's of course because Holy Son can Spirit Crystalize the Light Element. Had we known this before, we would have never treated Holy Son as such…"

Elys bowed in apology, causing Leonel to not know what to say.

He had always thought that the so-called light versus darkness cliche was utter nonsense. But, he had completely forgotten that this was a Mythological Zone. This was exactly the kind of place those cliches and legends came from....