Leonel didn't seem to hear the words of those around him. He continued to charge forward, his blazing speed leaving a trail of gold in his wake.

He had already formed his Eighth Node in the past week. Even though there were Force Disrupting Towers around, Earth's technology hadn't advanced to the point of being able to block Force Strengthening Deviations just yet. As a result… Who here could match him in speed?

Big Buddha was completely enraged after being ignored by Leonel. But, why should he have expected anything else? Was Leonel going to stop just because he shouted out a few time.

A cold light flashed in Leonel's eyes when he saw that Big Buddha was blocking his way.

Rage lit the large man's eyes. In that moment, his palms were covered by a formless energy that soon coalesced into illusory hands that dwarfed even his body in size. It was clear that the usually amiable Big Buddha was truly enraged this time. If not for this, there was no way that he would pour so much energy into his ability.

However, what infuriated him even more was that Leonel obviously had no intention of engaging with him. What a joke. Why would he allow himself to be stalled in this way? Plus… how could such a big man match him in agility?

Leonel planted his foot down hard, feinting to one side and bursting with speed to another. He was Leonel Morales, a king of the football field. Compared to fighting, these sort of evasive movements were things he was even better at.

Big Buddha could hardly react when he found that Leonel had already burst by him, heading for the clearing around the Zone without pausing for even a moment.

At that point, Monet finally reacted. Though she had yelled out initially, it still took her a while to realize that something like this was actually happening. A boy of not even 20 years of age was actually impugning on her authority in such a way? How could she stand for it?

However, she was too far from Leonel. She had been speaking to him from on high before, she didn't believe she needed to approach such an ant so closely. So, compared to Big Buddha, she was at least 50 meters away from Leonel. In fact, after he broke out into a run, it was already closer to a hundred.

"Stop him by any means." She shouted out an order coldly.

Badger sighed. Of the Reserve Generals, his speed was unmatched. Even after seeing Leonel's burst, he found that it was still beneath his own. After all, his Lineage Factor boosted speed much like Aina's boosted strength. In addition, his ability supplemented his Lineage Factor as well, giving him the wings of a Roc. For him, blocking Leonel's path was truly not a problem.

It was just a shame. He had had a good impression of Leonel. But, after what he said about them and The Empire, all of those good feelings had gone out of the window. If it wasn't for the fact he had fought with Leonel side by side, rather than just blocking his path, he would have directly killed him.

"Let me." He said coolly.

Hearing his words, the remaining three Reserve Generals nodded. They could see that no one else could pause Leonel's steps. As long as he was stalled, this matter would be over. Since Badger had the greatest speed amongst them, it was only natural that he would go. In fact, they even cleared out his general vicinity.

Badger fell forward, his leg stomping forth just when it seemed he might hit the ground face first. If one looked closely, it really seemed as though his thigh might burst from his pants at any time. The amount of power in his legs was already inconceivable. But then… his wings appeared.


The grass beneath his feet was completely flattened. In the distance, trees that managed to survive the appearance of the Zone swayed wildly, their green leaves being ripped from their branches.

Monet smiled lightly, though it seemed to be more of a sneer. Badger was like a streak of silver, his speed crossing 150 kilometers an hour with ease. It seemed that he would catch up with Leonel in just a few breaths.

But, that was when Leonel sighed a sigh none of them could here. Beneath the raging winds… how could they?

"Too predictable…" He mumbled beneath his breath.

The speed of the Light Element wasn't a joke. The only issue was that while Leonel had other attributes and abilities that stunted his speed, Badger was quite literally built to maximize his speed.

His bones were as light as that of a birds. His wings had a massive ratio in comparison to his body. He had also learned several agility Force techniques. And, as if that wasn't enough, he had a speed type Lineage Factor. Compared to Leonel who had still yet to awaken the speed branch of his Snowy Star Owl, he was indeed a bit faster.

However… how could Leonel not know that? In fact, he had purposely not accelerated with his greatest speed to make sure this would play out in this way. It was too obvious that the one they'd send to stop him would be Badger.

And, unfortunately for them, Badger had weaknesses just like Leonel.

Leonel kept running as though he believed he could out pace Badger. But, this only made the others grow more confident. In fact, Monet had already begun to move. She only wanted Badger to stall Leonel, as for completely restraining him, it might very well take more than a single person.

The other Reserve Generals seemed to know this as well. So, after they finished clearing out a path for Badger, they too shot forward.

In the sky, the leading man of the Adurna family raised an eyebrow. He too felt that Leonel was finished. However, he was a bit unwilling. How could he gain some benefits from this situation...?

'in that case…'

"Little Nana, help out our friends a bit."

At that time, the youngest of the Adurna family blinked her large watery eyes and took a step forward. She extended a slender finger down below and spoke in a clear, resounding voice.


Leonel suddenly felt a formless pressure surround his body, causing his steps to falter. His expression changed. It felt as though he was trying to run in quick sand.

The innocent little girl in the skies blinked her eyes. Leonel had no idea that she was shocked that he could still run at all.

She extended her finger again. "Double Bind."

Leonel felt his legs snap together as though a rope had tightened around his ankles. Without suspense, he fell to the ground helplessly.

The leading man of the Adurna family laughed.. "Don't say I've never helped you with anything, Monet. I think this is enough to exchange for six places, no? I hear this boy has something quite valuable to you?"