The members of the Brazinger family were caught completely off guard.

In one instant, they were happily thinking about all of the rewards they would reap on this journey, and in the next, a flash of black light appeared before their palace of Force, crashing into it with a loud BANG!

The little mink rebounded off the shield, confusion coloring its adorable features.

It was clear that it hadn't been hurt by the rebound. In fact, this was a benefit of its Shadow World ability. Its body was perpetually existing on two planes, so any attacks it suffered would only be half effective. It could only be said that the little guy had a truly broken ability and who knows how it had evolved now?

Still, that didn't stop the little mink from being shocked. The only thing it had ever been unable to go directly through was the light attacks of its playmate. It didn't think that this illusory palace could also stop it like this.

If the Brazinger family people knew what the little mink was thinking, they'd likely be coughing up blood in rage.

Though the little mink hadn't managed to cross through their defenses, its actions had caused Seven to directly spit up several mouthfuls of blood. The backlash was so severe that the palace nearly collapsed. If it wasn't for the fact Seven feared what his Young Lord would do to him if he really let the palace fall, the technique would have collapsed in the first instant.

"Young Lord! This little beast has comprehended a Force Strengthening Deviation! The Four Corner Palace Formation won't last long!"

Simeon's expression darkened. This little beast actually dared to ruin its plans like this?

Unfortunately, Simeon's ability wasn't beast taming. Beast taming was just a product of him putting his genetic manipulation ability into affect. In order to do this, he needed his victim to be completely restrained and he also needed time to perform several complex calculations. It was completely impossible for him to take control of this little mink with ease.

However, after a few moments of thought, his frown gave way to a smile.

A beast that had comprehended a Force Strengthening Deviation? How valuable was that? Though he had other beasts of this caliber, it was clear that this little mink's Force Strengthening Deviation wasn't normal. It was very likely of an exceptionally high grade.

Leonel watched all of this from a distance, his expression growing solemn.

'The little bastard actually didn't manage to break it in a single hit…'

By Leonel's estimations, that charge attack of the little mink carried with it over 3.00 points of strength. With it concentrated into such a fine point, its power per square inch was a few levels above even the explosions Leonel's Quasi Bronze energy shield suffered all those months ago. Yet, his chain necklace almost shattered completely back then.

What did this mean? It meant that this technique, a Formation Technique as that man referred to it as, was at least on par with his chain necklace.

"Four, Three, Two — Go deal with that little mink. Don't let it near the Palace Formation again."

"Yes, Young Lord!"

Two women and a man dashed out from the Formation. The two women were Four and Two respectively, while the man was Three. Four carried a bow and a quiver of arrows, Three carried a two-handed sword, and Two brandished a whip that had a length of over ten meters.

Leonel quickly matched these three with the information he had gotten from his interrogation.

Simeon's abilities were still limited. For now, he could only provide boosts to physical attributes. Though rat 006 had had a mental ability, he had awakened with it even before he was genetically modified.

Thanks to Simeon, the stats of all three of these warriors hovered around 3.00. However, if they undid the genetic locks Simeon placed on them, they would gain a 20% boost to their abilities.

After matching the descriptions and weapons together, Leonel understood who they were. Four had an A-grade telekinesis ability, allowing her to control her arrows within a range of 50 meters. Three had an A-grade energy type ability which sharpened his Force, essentially giving him the equivalent of a Force Strengthening Deviation. Finally, Two had an S-grade metal manipulation ability. The links of her whip had small metal veins embedded into it, not only making it far sturdier than a normal whip, but also allowing her deft control over it.

'That is definitely not the limit of Two's abilities… I need to be careful of her.'

As an extra measure of caution, Leonel used the dictionary to double check the information those two captives had given him. After confirming their abilities, he nodded.

At this moment, the little mink and the three had already clashed. Or rather… they had tried to clash, but all the attacks they levied went right through the little mink.

The three warriors turned serious.

Three took a strong step forward. His internally cultivated Force was entirely focused on maintaining the Force Skin around him. However, his ability had shot into overdrive, causing the air to whistle around his great sword as he swung toward the little mink.

The little mink dodged to the side by a hair's breath, leaping toward the spine of the sword to run up it. However, in the next instant it cried out and jumped backward, its little paws having been injured.

"It's weak to Force Strengthening Deviations!" Three said confidently.

With his ability, he could rip out Force from the air and sharpen it to magnify his attack. Though the Force was too volatile in this place for him to have great control, in some ways, this was also a benefit. If not for this, how could the spine of his blade also be sharp?

Hearing his words, the eyes of the two women lit up.


Sharp winds kicked up around Two while a fiery blaze lit the tips of Four's arrows.

Without pause, they launched their next attacks.

"Yip! Yip!"

The little mink's back arched as its hair stood on end. It bared its little teeth. This time, it was truly enraged.